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+> _Navigation : Home > MY HR Module > Setup > Department_
+1. Click on ‘Department’ under \[Setup\] section and you will arrive at Department Listing
+2. Click ‘+ Add Department’ to create a new Department.
+3. Insert the department name.
+4. If this Department has sub-department, tick 'Is Group’ to make this a parent department.
+5. If this Department (Technical Support etc.) is under a department, select department in Parent Department (IT Department etc.).
+6. You can insert a Leave Block for this department. Any employee assigned to this department will not be able to take leave from this list.
+7. You can define the default approver **(Shift Request Approver, Leave Approver and Expense Approver)** for this department. Any employee assigned to this department will have the same approver listing.
+8. Click Save and a new department will be created.
+### Notes
+1. To have a hierarchical view of the department in your company, goto the Department Listing page, then change ‘List View’ to ’Tree View’.
+2. You can define Approvers inside this department, but if you have specified Approvers in the Employee master, then that Approver will be given priority as compared to the Approver List of the Department.
+### Related Topics
+1. Employee
+2. Employment Type
+3. Employee Grade
+4. Employee Branch
+5. Employee Designation