Cancel Subscription

Navigation : My Subscriptions > All Sites > Cancel Subscription

  1. When you are in Subscription details page, you are allow to cancel subscription anytime
  2. To do that, click the "Action" menu located at the top right position and select "Cancel Subscription", it will route you to the page for cancel your subscription

Cancel Subscription

  1. There are 3 sections display in this page:
  2. Plan and Cancellation Terms
  3. Cancellation Feedback
  4. Cancellation OTP
  5. At the Plan and Cancellation Terms, you are able to see the current plan details, as well as the cancellation terms that you need to know:

Important Note!
   • The actual time of your subscription plan will be cancelled
   • The buffer time for you to backup your data
   • Validity period that you are allow to reactive your subscription plan

  1. If you are agreed on the cancellation terms, click "Continue" button to proceed
  2. Otherwise, click "Back" button to go back into Subcription Details page
  3. At the Cancellation Feedback, we would like to know why you want to cancel subscription plan, hence there's display a list of reasons for you to select
  4. If none of them are selected, you can specify your reason in the "Other" field at the bottom, then click "Continue" button
  5. At the Cancellation OTP, we want to verify you are the valid person to cancel the subscription plan. Thus we required you to request OTP and enter the 4 digits that you received from email
  6. To do that, click the "Request OTP" button, you will receive a prompt message that OTP has sent to your email
  7. Check your email to ensure the OTP has received. If not, please wait for another 1 minute and click "Resend OTP" button again
  8. Enter the 4 digit OTP that you received into the fields, then click "Cancel Subscription"
  9. If the OTP verified successfully, it will prompt a successfull message and navigate back to Subscription details page. Otherwise, you will get a failed message
  10. After you cancelled the subscription plan, the status will change to "Pending Cancellation". At this time, you still allow to use the ByondHR until the last day of your subscription
On this page