Employee Promotion

Promotion or career advancement is a process through which an Employee of a company is given a higher share of duties, a higher pay-scale or both. It is advisable to use Employee Promotion to keep track of your employee's employment journey so that the history can be tracked.

Navigation : Home > My Employee Lifecycle > Journey > Employee Promotion

  1. Click on 'Employee Promotion’ under [Journey] section and you will arrive at Employee Promotion Listing
  2. Click ‘+ Add Employee Promotion’ to create a new Employee Promotion.
  3. Select the Employee and insert the Promotion Date.
  4. You can select properties and current value will be shown. Insert the new value for this promotion (for instance, select property - Department; current – Accounts; New – Management).
  5. Click Save and a new Employee Promotion is created.


  1. Promotion document can be submitted on or after Promotion Date. Once submitted all the changes added to Promotion Details table will be applied to the Employee. ByondHR also keeps a record of all promotions of the Employee in the Employment History table in Employee document.
  1. Employee
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