Expense Claim

Expense Claim is made when employees make expenses out of their pocket on behalf of the company. For example, if they take a customer out for lunch, they can make a request for reimbursement via the Expense Claim form.

Navigation : Home > My Expense Claims > Claims > Expense Claim


Before creating a Expense Claim, it is advisable you create the following documents:

            • Department

How to create a Expense Claim

  1. Click on 'Expense Claim List’ under [Claims] section and you will arrive at Expense Claim Listing.
  2. Click ‘+ Add Expense Claim List’ to create a new Expense Claim.
  3. Select the Employee Name in the 'From Employee' field.
  4. Select the Expense Approver.
  5. In the Expenses table, enter the Expense Date, Expense Claim Type and the Amount.
  6. Attached the expense proof document and you can insert the description of this claim.
  7. Save and Submit.

Approve/Reject of Expense Claim

  1. Expense Approver of this employee will received an email notification to approve this claim.
  2. Change the status to Approved/Rejected for this Expense Claim.
  3. (Optional)If the payment has been made when approving the Expense Claim, you can tick the checkbox 'Is Paid' and attached the payment proof document.
  4. Click Save and Submit.
  5. You can update the Payment status by clicking on 'Set As Paid' button.


  1. You can assign Approver in Employee Master. System will default to HR Manager if no approver has been set.