Forgot Password

In case you failed to login ByondHR Dashboard due to incorrect password, you may request to reset a new password.

Here's the steps that you can perform:

1. In ByondHR Dashboard Login Page, click the "Forgot Password" and you will arrive to Forgot Password page

2. Enter email address that you used to login usually, then click "Reset Password" button

    • If the email address is invalid or not found in system, it will prompt "Email Invalid" message

3. Once you clicked the button, you will receive a prompt message mentioned the password reset instructions have been sent to your email

4. You may check your email inbox and make sure the email has been received

5. Open the email and you will find the "Reset Password" button. Click it and navigate to Reset Password page

6. In Reset Password page, enter New and Confirm Password, then click "Reset" button to update the password

7. For password validation, system will ensure that:

    • Your password must between 8 to 20 characters length
    • Must includes Special Characters, Numbers, Lowercases and Uppercases

8. Once password has been reset successfully, go to the Login page and try again