Payroll Entry

Payroll is the sum total of all compensation a business must pay to its employees for a set period of time or on a given date.

Navigation : Home > MY Salary > Payroll > Payroll Entry

How to create a Payroll Entry

  1. Click on ‘Payroll Entry’ under [Payroll] section and you will arrive at Payroll Entry Listing
  2. Click ‘+ Add Payroll Entry’ to create a new Payroll Entry.
  3. Select the Payroll Frequency.
  4. Select Branch, Designation and Department to filter out employees (optional).
  5. Select 'Validate Attendance' and 'Salary Slip Based on Timesheet' checkboxes in case you want to deduct the salary based on attendance and if you want to also consider the timesheets of the employees respectively.
  6. Save.

Once the information is saved, click on the Get Employees button to get a list of Employees for which the Salary Slips will be created based on the selected criteria.

Once the list of Employees is fetched, click on the Create Salary Slips button to generate Salary Slips.

Note: If the Salary Slips are already created, the system will not create any more Salary Slips. You can also just save the form as Draft and create the Salary Slips later.

Salary Accrual

After verifying the Salary Slips, you can Submit them all together by clicking on the Submit Salary Slip button.

  1. Salary Component
  2. Salary Structure
  3. Payroll Period