Company Profile

A company is a legal entity made up of an association of people for carrying on a commercial or industrial enterprise.

Navigation : Home > MY HR > Company

  1. Click on ‘Company’ under [Setup] section and you will arrive at Company Listing.
  2. Click on your company.
  3. Select your company's Country, Default Currency, Holiday List and Date of Establishment.
  4. You can add a Default Letter Head for your company, this will automatically insert into all printable document (Purchase Invoice, Sales Invoice etc.)
  5. Insert your company unique Income Tax No. and SST No., this will auto mapped in invoices (if any).
  6. You can update your company domain, address and contact (Optional).
  7. Once complete, click Save.


  1. In ByondHR, whenever a field with the word 'Default' is insert, system will automatically insert this field when applicable, this will significantly reduce your workload when using our system.
  2. However, the default value will be given the lowest priority if there are multiple value defined in system. For instance, you can insert a Default Holiday List in company level and another Holiday List at employee level. System will always use the Holiday List defined at employee level and will only use Default Holiday List in company if no Holiday List is insert at employee level.
  1. Company Taxation Information
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