Employee Benefit Claim

Employee Benefit Claim allows Employees to:
- Claim flexible benefits which are to be received lump-sum (if Salary Component is Pay Against Benefit Claim)
- Claim tax exemption for flexible benefits received on a prorate basis, as part of salary when Deduct Tax For Unclaimed Employee Benefits is checked in Payroll Entry / Salary Slip

Navigation : Home > MY Tax & Benefits > Benefits > Employee Benefit Application


Before creating an Employee Benefit Claim, it is advisable you create the following documents:

            • Employee
            • Salary Component
            • Employee Benefit Application

How to create a new Employee Benefit Claim

  1. Click on ‘Employee Benefit Claim’ under [Benefits] section and you will arrive at Employee Benefit Claim Listing
  2. Click ‘+ Add Employee Benefit Claim’ to create a new Employee Benefit Claim.
  3. Select Employee, Claim Date and Company.
  4. To claim a benefit from your company, select the benefit type in 'Claim Benefit For', and the benefits Max Amount Eligible will be showed.
  5. Insert the Claimed Amount.
  6. Click Save and a new Employee Benefit Claim is created. Awaits for your HR Manager to approved the application.

Approve/Reject of Employee Benefit Claim

  1. HR Manager will received an email notification to approve this application.
  2. Access into this document
  3. Set status to 'Approved' or 'Rejected'.
  4. Submit the document. The component and its amount will auto flow into the employee upcoming salary slips.
  1. Salary Slips